Oct 21, 2024

Antonio Ortega promoted to Sales Director Iberica and Italy

Technological Innovations Group (TIG), which has over 120 dedicated Crestron sales professionals and offices including Experience Spaces in London, Brussels, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Frankfurt, Dubai, Oslo and Johannesburg, is proud to announce the promotion of Antonio Ortega to Sales Director for Iberia and Italy. In this role, Antonio will be responsible for strengthening the sales teams in Iberia and Italy as well as overseeing Crestron sales in both regions. On his appointment, Robin van Meeuwen, TIG’s CEO comments: “Antonio has been very successful leading his team in Spain and I am positive that he will further contribute to Italy’s success. On his promotion, Antonio comments: “I am extremely grateful for this new opportunity and the challenge ahead. I have know both of these great teams for many years and will work to provide them with the right tools to achieve our goals. “ We wish Antonio every success in her new role.
Antonio can be contacted on AOrtega@tig.eu or Antonio.Ortega@crestron.com
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