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Aug 31, 2023
Technological Innovations Group (TIG), which has over 120 dedicated Crestron sales professionals and offices with Experience Spaces in London, Brussels, Paris, Jo’burg, Milan, Frankfurt, Dubai, Oslo and Madrid, kick starts the month of September with a new appointment, welcoming Leo Uzcudun to the team in Spain and Portugal as Regional Sales Manager for Crestron’s residential business. In his role, Leo will be responsible for assisting integrators in meeting their clients’ needs by deploying fully integrated, futureproof Crestron solutions. He comments: " I am very excited, motivated and enthusiastic for joining the TIG-Crestron team, having the chance to represent one of the brand leader in the smart home industry and being able to deliver amazing solutions through our partners to homeowners”.Reporting to Steven Dullaert, Director Residential Sales EMEA, Leo brings his sales experience to help enhance opportunities for Crestron’s much-valued customers in Iberia.Steven says: " I am thrilled to welcome Leonardo in the position of residential Sales Manager for the Iberica region. He comes with years of experience in the residential AV business. With his hands on approach and constant strive for perfection, I’m confident he’ll be a big addition to the Crestron residential team in EMEA.”Leo can be contacted directly on and
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