Aug 04, 2020
Technological Innovations Group (TIG), the top audio-visual sales agency in EMEA offering integrated automation and control solutions for smart spaces, is pleased to announce the appointment of Matthew Bailey as Regional Sales Manager for UC in the United Kingdom. Matthew will work with the TIG sales division to bring his extensive experience of the Unified Communications market to the team, and will be responsible for driving the development of new business for TIG’s ecosystem of brands that integrate with Crestron’s world-class UC portfolio. On his appointment, Matthew said: “I'm really looking forward to embarking on this new journey at TIG in the Crestron UC space! With my experience, drive and passion for UC technologies, both Company and ultimately Client success are on the horizon. I simply cannot wait to start, meet everyone and get going at TIG!”TIG’s CEO Robin van Meeuwen added: “We're thrilled to welcome Matthew to TIG. In the unusual circumstances that 2020 has presented we’ve all had to find new ways of working, and we’ve seen that Unified Communications are crucial business technologies. Matthew’s role will be to help businesses invest in UC to futureproof their working practices.”
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